“What does refuge mean in turbulent times?”
Everyone is welcome to this Sunday afternoon gathering, the second in a series (also on Dec. 8, 15 and 22). We’ll explore this profound question via dharma teachings, meditation, discussion — and nourishing snacks.
The afternoon will include:
• RECORDED TEACHINGS by Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche
• MEDITATION guided by senior meditation & study teachers
• DISCUSSION hosted by Alannah Wells, Susan Chapman & Jan Marie Martell
Sundays (2 pm – 4 pm): Dec., 1, 8, 15 & 22 (Winter Solstice).
New Year’s Retreat: Fri., Dec. 27 — Sun., Dec. 29 (stay tuned for details)
Maitrivana, Garden of Loving Kindness, 4610 Earles St., Vancouver, BC
Heart Refuge Gatherings are open to all and free (offerings gratefully accepted!). No need to register, please just drop in. Attend all the sessions or as many as you can.
Please note: Heart Refuge Gatherings are in-person, on-site only at Maitrivana.
Let’s inspire one another and cultivate a spirit of loving-kindness and resilience.